Friday, October 24, 2014

Mahou Shoujo wa Kiss Shite Kawaru

Another hentai. :p And boy is this one silly. The story is horrible it makes no sense, typical of hentai but they're not even trying.

Episode 1 starts with a couple sitting on a bench together and chatting, when a monster comes outta nowhere and stabs the guy right in the middle. The girl then clings to him calling his name. Flashback for half the episode of the events leading up to this, basically the couple hooking up and going on a date. Guy gets stabbed after or is it during the date after they watch a movie. Flashback end. That's right, they were talking about the movie they just watched then he gets stabbed.

Moving on. The girl, Iori clings to Ken, the guy, while he convulses and wonders if he's gonna die. He passes out. And another guy walks up to them, telling Iori not to lose hope, and using some kinda magic or something cuz bright light. Very suspicious.

Guy tells her that he can save him if she becomes a magical girl. Then she can save him using her powers. Right. To do this she has to have sex with other guys and to transform she has to kiss this new guy that came outta nowhere that can use magic, right after a monster attacks them. Totally not suspicious. And oh yeah, the guy somehow knows her name.

She agrees cuz she wants to save her beloved Ken-chan, who she's been in love with since she was a child and they just started going out. Sucks to be them.

He drags her a little ways away from the bench and it's shown that ever further away, the damn monster's got it tentacles around Ken. The magician guy looks rather pleased, with her in his arms, telling her this is totally necessary, while she's looking away cuz fuck she doesn't want this.

He kisses her and she transforms into a pink haired twin tails girl complete with frilly fluffy dress and wand. And somehow they became one. Da fuck?! O_O

She can't fucken' fight and gets raped by the monster's tentacles that come all over her, then get's saved by a black twin tails girl with a scythe, who tells her that she shouldn't fight. She seems more trustworthy.

Ken wakes up and everything seems fine and he questions if what happened was a dream. They're at school and the creepy magician dude is there as a transfer student. His name is Ragjulius. =_=

He takes her outta class and fondles her breast in an empty classroom, while he claims that she's infected with this Aigul thing's poison. That shit from yesterday? Apparently the poison makes her horny so she's gotta have sex to cure it. She doesn't want to do it with anyone other than Ken, but Rag(^) tells her that if she loses her powers her bf's gonna die. So they do it and he comes in her.

She's totally determined to save her bf by cheating on him OK? NOT.

Question EVERYTHING goddamit.

It was nice and vanilla at first, then they ruined it all. That Ragjulius has got to be the guy behind everything. He prolly wanted to fuck Iori and made up all that shit. Maybe that other girl is one of his other victims too? It was funny at first but at the end, it's just nope.