Monday, June 24, 2013


Watching Remote live-action drama after rereading the manga. Up to the second episode.
Watching here:
Read here:

I LOVE the manga. It's definitely one of my favorites. It's been awhile since I had read the manga and when I came across it again, I had to reread it. I think the first case is the most memorable. That creepy clown.

I didn't know it was adapted to live-action until a few days ago when I looked it up on Wikipedia. Now that I know, I decided to watch it. Since the manga was sooo good, I decided to give it a view. I should not have had such high expectations...

It was comparably bad. The manga was 10 volumes with 100 chapters total while the drama was only ten episodes each around 45-46 minutes long. IMO, the manga did not transition well to live-action. The feelings  not the same. It's just not thrilling in live-action. The acting looks really stiff. It's like they're trying to be as stoic as possible or just act badly. I know that there are limits to reality but I just can't help feeling disappointed. Detective Himuro's mansion for example (sob).

Now for the characters. They are all not as I expected.  They were all disappointing, except maybe Bob(dat English lol). Himuro is seems way to angry/grouchy rather than emotionless. Ayaki is way too flat and dumb. She's not ugly but she's not as cute/sexy and genki(cheerful/energetic) as her manga counterpart. The acting is rather awkward, it doesn't feel natural. Hanae doesn't look like she belongs there. She looks like an OL, like why is she wearing a pantsuit and has her hair dyed. Shingo, he looks the part(monkey), but his actor fails to convey his personality. Is it just me or is Ayaki at least 10x dumber than in the manga.
SPOILER: In the live-action, Ayaki actually takes a bite out of the Baumkuchen before Himuro can tell her not to, while in the manga Himuro warns Kurumi that it's best not to eat it BUT it's been examined and no poison was found in it or stn like that so it's safe

I love Kurumi in the manga. She's very cute. I like that she often smiles and great Himuro with enthusiasm (:D), which I think greatly affected him(it's very noticeable through his speech and facial expressions). Her body expressions are also endearing.

Ayaki in the drama however is a different story. She acts as if she were mentally challenged to some degree. She is always saying no, and I can't, plus she seems to have a small vocabulary, since that's what she says alot of the time. She's not even a bit fun to watch.

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