Saturday, November 16, 2013

Junketsu Diablos

A cute oneshot about a girl, demons, priests, and cats!

The demon Mephy(nickname) in this manga really likes cats. I can think of another demon who really likes cats. Sebastian from the manga and anime series Kuroshitsuji. Therefore today I learnt that demons like cats. :3

I think the heroine in this oneshot Kiyora is  really cute and much more likeable than the average shoujo heroine. Unlike most girls Kiyora is not attracted nor stupefied by the attractive male. She doesn't conform to what society and it's norms, doing what she wants. She's neither stupid nor weak. She doesn't even flinch in the midst of danger!

Despite being a oneshot I found it to be a satisfying read. With the way it ended, it has potential to be made into a series. The concept is certainly interesting enough. 

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