Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Box

Naono Bohra, I really like her works. This is no exception but it's only a short oneshot. It's a unique couple. Not my favorite type but good nonetheless. I don't know how many times I've read this already.

 I found this couple to be a bit annoying this time around but that may be because I didn't read the prequel(The Circle) beforehand, or not. But they're good-looking so that's good enough for me, especially the seme.

They're not like the typical BL couple. Andou doesn't hesitate to hit Higa, and Higa is not a bit dampened from this violent treatment from his love. It really doesn't stop him from doing it even though his face is all bloody from getting kicked and punched. Aah love, but he doesn't seemed to enjoy getting hit, meaning he's not an M, and Andou doesn't seem to derive sexual pleasure from hitting Higa so he's not an S. But he's not the least bit remorseful from hitting him either and neither is Higa bothered about getting hit. Wait, what's up with this couple?! eheh :p

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