Saturday, December 28, 2013

Tsuyameku Hishatai

Reading it again. This time I'm not so disillusioned since I'm older now and much much pickier. So I'm going to pick at it, at the flaws. Tsuyameku Hishatai is a volume long manga made up of one-shots, first two inter-connected. Chapters: Alluring Subject, With The Master Till Dawn, A 17-Year Romance, Anywhere With You, The Serious Player.
The cover looks good, no?

The first couple is the one featured on the cover. The way they get together is weird, unnatural. I don't approve.

Shou is an orphan working as Shiba-san's assistant. Shiba-san took Shou in when his parents died and works as a photographer. The job's to photograph models and then in strolls Amamiya of Amamiya Productions wearing a pair of shades and he see's Shou happily fiddling with the camera. So, he goes up to Shou and grabs his chin to get a good look at him which is obviously rude and Shou is rightfully annoyed by this. Then he proceeds to take off the shades while arrogantly spouting a compliment/pick-up line which comes off as harassment to me. Then he says he wants to make Shou a model leaving him baffled and later pissed. Shou decides to become a model because of it but is treated/does poorly at first and gets angry and discouraged. Cue cutey crying and seme becoming smitten leading to kiss and more but not all the way.

Not giving away anymore than that. Next, I'll talk about the sex that they later have. About how I didn't like it. It was rushed. The cocks looked terrible. Too shiny and plastic vibrator like. Foreplay is nipple sucking, fellatio and stroking the D. No fingering or prep on the backside and then penetration. No to mention how Shou's dick looked at that time(distorted). WTF. Afterwards it looks fine though, maybe the mangaka fucked up that page/panel. Still, creepy.

Next chapter is about Amamiya's stupid bratty rich cousin with a crush who appeared in the first chapter but I didn't bother to mention him. Rin's his name and he has his caretaker Kazusa who's in love with him, suck him off. Plus he calls him a slave repeatedly, which is annoying and wrong, since slavery's illegal. It might be sexy in some cases but certainly not in this one.

So, sex scene between Rin and Kazusa. This one is better in my opinion. It doesn't looked forced in like the first chapter, this is a different kind of forced. 's not like Rin put up much of a resistance anyway. Comfort sex yo. If he didn't like it he would have objected more wouldn't he, before the next panel where he's got shit loads of hickeys all over. Aw, Kazusa really loves him, 's gotta have taken some time to make all'a those. I think he's being a tsundere afterwards. Stupid. I wonder what about Rin is so attractive to Kazusa, I just don't see it.

3rd chapter is about osananajimi so is unrelated. Yuki and Kei are in the same class and they are next door neighbors. The kind that visit e/o through their windows and steals kisses once the latter is perceived to be asleep. Yuki has a really cute shirt. It's tied with a string that goes crisscross, medieval like but modern.

This causes a riff in their relationship and misunderstandings ensue. A girl confesses to Yuki that she likes Kei and Yuki ends up crying so the girl gives him a hanky. Kei is seen watching jealously from 'round the corner since he was chasing after Yuki.

So, in comes Kei through the window and you should know what happens next. Kiss, confession, make love. I think this one is the best chapter in this manga. Though, I would have preferred a longer sex scene because it annoys me when there's not apparent prep before intercourse. Personally, I find fingering hot.

4th chapter is rather dull. A sheltered uke and a seme with dreams of travelling. Yuu lives with his adoptive dad who's wheelchair-ridden and his adoptive mom is deceased(no idea 'bout his real parents). He lives in a big house and a woman called Yoshiko works there. Toshiki is working to save up money to go travelling on his motorbike. He makes delivery's to Yuu and Yuu looks forward to these visits since he can't leave the house or stn cause he was weak as a child, getting sick. He's never been to the beach even though it's right down the street nearby.

Toshiki asks Yuu out on a date to the beach but Yuu's dad is there to cockblock separate them. His dad does not approve. Since his wife's gone n'all, Yuu's all he's got n' that bull. Jeez he expects Yuu to stay at home all the time. What is he a kept pet?

But once his dad's gone they go out anyway, with Yoshiko's approval.

Yuu finds out that Toshiki's got the dough to go and tearfully asks to go along too. Then they do it in the car. Too short. Too short. No idea how rider position works in a car tho, either Yuu's pretty short or the hood is high. There's no fucking in-between it's just pants on and in the next panel/page they're in the middle then end.

They arrive home late and Yuu's dad is waiting for them. etc. Yuu has to go home and cries as Toshiki leaves.

Toshiki doesn't give up and comes back a few minutes/panels later with his motorbike.

5th chapter's cover looks promising. Hazumi and Kamura are seemingly opposites. Hazumi is a serious, beauty with glasses, and Kamura a player and bi. Hazumi turns down an offer to a party(goukon?) and along comes Kamura with a girl on each arm. Kamura's always teasing Hazumi, taking pleasure from his reactions. Provoked by Kamura, Hazumi goes to a gay bar for the first time but u-kno-who's there too. This time there's a guy on ea. arm.
His attempt at pick ups fail ofc, he's way in over his head. Kamura rescues him, since he wants him for himself(right?). mmm virgins. Still relatively short ero scene but better than prev chaps at least.

There's an afterword and omake.

To sum it up the best stories are the 3rd and 5th(last) one.

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